Thursday, December 31, 2009


Date: Dec 31, 2009
Venue: Sek 8, Shah Alam

Current situation: just came back from nationwide. pick up zaid's motorcycle
Quest: what was happen to you this year (2009)?
Ans: so many things occured in my life.

January - my 22th b'day (Nn bg hadiah...ak xbg ape2 pn kt die, huhuh)
- actlly, i start 'new life' as a dgree's student at shah alam. stayed at sek7...housemate?ok la. (8 org sumeY:pyan, azhar, faiz, din, juoh, eg n rafi)
- b'cmpur ngn bdk2 kampus laen dlm kelas geotech...penang, phg n Srwak.

February - stress came all in my life. I regret on what was i decided
- stdy? da mle bz...ngn asgment, presentation n test
- byk kali gk rse cm nk give up. Nsb bk ad yg bg semangat, tlg ak (tp die btol2 ikhlas ke? Biar la die yg jwb).

March - 4th march... i was at stadium negara 4 Jason Mraz's concert!!! I'm with dina n tomo. sgt2 best!!! tny la dorg kalo xcye. rugi sape yg xjoin! Hahaha
- time ni tgh angau ngn sorg bdk sekelas...nme die? Hehe...
- Earth Hour warming issue. tp time ni ak smpt lg kuar jln2...1 umh g sunway
- 4 the 1st time, im reading her blog!

April - backpacking around perlis! thats what we called. hehe... buat kejutan kt Kak Kay n Nn. tbe2 mncul kt arau tnpa gtaw dorg. huhu...bwt clearance kt Arau. tp skejap sgt stay sne...mak agkt da bsing2 cz kmi blk mlm 2 jgk. hehe...sorry mak!

May - final's exam it ok? i guessed! hahaha
- hot tempered!!! la!

June - UiTM's 70th was my convo actlly, but i dint show up. Mls la...xd mood! huhu
- back to trgnu...da lme xblk. Jmpe kwn2 skolah yg da lme gle xjmpe. yg xknal ak...hahaha. That was funny to me...really! She said i was like indie's. rofl
- Film: transformers (revenge of the fallen) the best film of 2009!!! Awesome...crdt to micheal bay (die ni pn mcm ak gk, mental ngn #7. hahahahaha). puas ht tgu film ni kuar. then tgk kt imax plak ngn k.teena. I Love BumbleBee!!! =)

July - new sem just start, Nn da smbg dgree. ak plak pndah umah kt sek8.
- it was july! (7th month of the year)...but i still 4got wht was happen in this particular month.

August - 15th aug: MTV world stage at sunway lagoon. together with salo, haziex lalala, tok, sape lg ntah...hehehe. Enjoyed musics by AAR, Raygun, BLG n many gk. Lyn...
- awin dpt twran smbg dgree kt UK. bestY...jeles gle. It was my dream place to go!!! Huhu...
- start bulan puase n start kje part time kt SR.

Sept - i got new shades (esprit k!!! hehehehe)
- fasting month: so tired!
- got cheque from UiTM...hehe( key in data fac medic time cuti aritu).
- Eid Ul Fitri: Just any other years b4. of crse la celeb kt hometown
- attending open house bdk2 SR...mkn free je kje! Hahahaha...

Oct - i got my reDs...tnx to my bro!
- my nyamuk asyik wt hal je...ngade2 btol!
- stdy numerical kt mcD...stdy ke? ahahaha
- blogs dedicated actvty...huhu
- shooting drama mand...crdt to Nn n Haziex lalala
- hot tempered again to some1 yg ske2 je judge psal ak. kalo xtaw, jgn pdai2 ok! please la!

Nov - get confused! what should i be in future? Applying MFA? Layak ke? huhu...
- Film: twilight saga, new gk!
- job: barista??? Hoho...
- again, my nyamuk bwt hal...meragam je(hobby die).

Dec - the most meaningful month so far!
- thinking soooooo MUCH this month n finally i've decided!
- Salam Maal Hijrah 1431
- bulan kesedaran...tnx 2 my very7 bff. u finally wake me up!!! TQ!!! Tnx also 4 the song...piano2canonD...heard it everytime b4 i sleep n just after i wake up.
- Allah...pls give me enough strength so tht i can proceed on wht i've decided. I want to change! Azam thun br? will be reveal tomorrow..hehehe.

i've alrdy go through all my life this year with something bad, something sad...something that i'll never 4get. Tnx to all the people who 'really' understand me. i dont want anything from u, just enough being by my side all the time so that i'll never think tht im ALONE in this atrocious world.

the reason of this blog existence was for my own reference in my future... so that i'll knw who i am, where im from, wht was happen to me n the most importantly i'll not 4get who am i. it was just like my own diary. maybe someday, im the only who can read it. just time...

it wasnt my intention to get 'something' from any1 from this blog...just feel free to read it. If not, just leave. I never ask 4 that. i was reluctant too.

2010...i've wait 4 u. New year, new hopes...all NEW!
2009...will be my history

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

baru je bace.. huhu, terkejut sbab start ngan name aku!! byk gak ekk.. bangga plak!!
